96 Chapter 2
Functional Tests
What You Will Find in This Chapter
Functional Tests
What You Will Find in This Chapter This chapter describes the functional tests and provides information on h ow to perform
What Are the Functional Tests?
Functional tests are tests of vario us instrument parameters that give a high degree of
confidence that the analyzer is operating correctly. They are recommended as a check of
analyzer operation for incoming inspection or after a repair. Measurement uncertainty
analysis is not available for functional tests, and the analyzer is checked against limits
that are wider than the published specifications. The functional tests are designed to test
an analyzer operating within the temperature range defined by the analyzer specifications
using a minimum set of test equipment. If a test does not pass, performance tests must be
run to confirm a problem exists.
Functional Test Versus Performance Verification
Functional tests use a minimum set of test equipment to check a much smaller range of
parameters (and a limited number of data points for each parameter) than do performance
verification tests. Functional tests use limits that are wider than the published
specifications; measurement uncertainty analysis is not available for functional tests.
NOTE If a functional test does not pass, you must run performance verification tests
to confirm that a problem exists.
Performance verification tests span a wide range of instrument parameters and provide
the highest level of confidence that the instrument conforms to published specifications.
These tests can be time consuming and require extensive test equipment.
This chapter includes the following:
•Before Performing a Functional Test on page97 (what to do first).
•Test Equipment on page 98 (a list of the equipment required for all of the tests).
•PSA Functional Tests (PSA only):
—Amplitude Accuracy at 50 MHz on page 102
—Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL) on page107
—Frequency Readout Accuracy on page109
—Frequency Response (Flatness) on page111
—Amplitude Linearity on page 115
—Second Harmonic Distortion (SHD) on page 118
•ESA Functional Tests (ESA only):
—Displayed Average Noise Level on page122