52 Chapter 1
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
759 Unable to load state saved from firmware Rev A.xx.xx; Restore
Unable to load state
A saved state file from a newer firmware revision was atte mpted to be
loaded into an older instrument.
760 ESA only Unable to query state
Query of state over the remote interface was unsuccessful.
761 ESA only Unable to set state
Attempt to set the state over the remote interface was unsuccessful.
762 ESA only Incorrect filename, allowable extensions are .trc or .csv
Attempt to save a trace to a file with an incorrect extension.
762 ESA only Unable to load file
A failure occurred while loading a file; the file was not loaded.
763 PSA only
614 ESA only Bad, missing, or unformatted disk
Bad or missing floppy disk
The floppy disk is not inserted properly, is not formatted, or the directory
cannot be read. Insert a known good disk and try again.
763 ESA only Incorrect filename, allowable extensions are .gif or .wmf
Attempt to save a screen image to a file with an incorrect extension.
764 Unable to save file
Attempt to save a file failed; the file was not saved. See th e associated
error messages for the cause (press System, Show Errors).
765 Unable to load file
Attempt to load a file failed; the file was not loaded.
766 Unable to format drive
767 Failed to Initialize ISTATE regions. Fatal LDS error
Attempt to initialize the instrument state has failed. Cycle instrument
power. If this fails to correct the problem, contact your nearest Agilent
Technologies service center.
768 Unable to load user state, required instrument mode is not
Attempt to load a state failed, because the state was saved with a
measurement personality that is not currently loaded. Load the
appropriate personality and try again.