Chapter 2 97
Functional Tests
What You Will Find in This Chapter
Functional Tests
—Frequency Readout Accuracy on page139
—Marker Count Accuracy on page 141
—Frequency Response (Flatness) on page142
—Reference Level Accuracy on page 146
—Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty on page 151
—Scale Fidelity on page 154
—Second Harmonic Spurious Responses on page157
—Tracking Generator Level Flatness: Models E4401B and E4411B, Options 1DN and
1DQ on page 160
—Tracking Generator Level Flatness: E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B and
E4408B, Option1DN on page 163
Each functional test includes:
•Test limits (pass/fail criteria)
•A description of the test
•The equipment required for the test
•A figure showing how to connect the equipment
•Step-by-step instructions
•One or more tables in which to record the measurement results
Before Performing a Functional Test1. Ensure that you have the proper test equipment.
2. Switch on the unit under test (UUT) and let it warm up (in accordance with warm-up
requirements in the instrument specifications).
3. Allow sufficient warm-up time for the required test equipment (refer to individual
instrument documentation for warm-up specifications).
4. Ensure that the analyzer’s frequency reference is set to Internal:
a. Press the System, Reference keys.
b. If the Freq Ref softkey does not have Int underlined, press the Freq Ref softkey until it
is underlined.
5. Following instrument warm-up, perform the auto align routine:
Press System, Alignments, Align All Now.
NOTE Functional test accuracy depends on the precision of the test equi pment used.
Ensure that all of the test equipment is calibrated before running a functional