92 Chapter 1
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Status Stop freq must be less than fixed LO freq
The current measurement mode requires that the stop frequency must be
less than the fixed LO frequency.
Status Stop freq must be less than stop RF freq
The current measurement mode requires that the stop IF (output to DUT)
frequency must be less than the stop RF (input to DUT) frequency.
Status Stop IF freq must be less than fixed LO freq
The current measurement mode requires that the stop IF (output to DUT)
frequency must be less than the fixed LO freque ncy.
Status System, Alignments, Align All Now Needed (Align Needed)
This message occurs only when Auto Alig n is set to Alert.
The instrument requires an Align All Now. Restore the alignment by
pressing System, Alignments, Align All Now.
Status System input frequency out of range
One or more system input frequencies are out of range. If using a
frequency list, check that all entries are valid for current measurement
Status System Alignments, Align Now, All Required
Internal alignment correction data has been lost. Press System,
Alignments, Align Now, All to clear this message from the display.
Status (TG Align Failure) status bit only, no message
A failure has occurred during the tracking generator (TG) alignment.
Status Video shift off (no corresponding status bit)
Indicates the video shift has been manually disabled; this will impair
Annunciator Bar Messages
Annunciator Align
This message appears in the left side of the annunciator bar in red. When
this message appears it indicates that there is one or more condition that
has affected the alignment. For the possible conditions and suggested
resolutions, refer to Align Now All Needed (Align Needed) on page 87,
Align Now RF Needed (Align Now RF Needed) on page 87, Align RF
Skipped (Align RF Skipped) on page 87, and System Alignments, Align
Now, All Required on page 92.