Chapter 1 31
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages Introduction
Instrument Messages
Error QueuesThere are two types of error queues, front panel and remote interface. These two queues
are viewed and managed separately. Refer to Table 1-1. for more information on the
characteristics of the Error Queue.
Front panel A summary of the last 11 error messages preceded by an error number
may be viewed in the Error Queue by pressing, System then ShowE rrors.
When a remote interface initiates activ i ty that generates an error, the
messages are output to the remote bus. When output to the remote
interface, they are preceded by an error number.
Remote interface
(SCPI) When a user error condition occurs in the analyzer as a result of SCPI
(remote interface) activity, it is reported to both the front panel display
error queue and the SCPI error queue. If it is a result of front panel
activity, it reports to the front panel display error queue, and depending o n
the error, may also report to the SCPI error queue.
Table1-1. Characteristics of the Error Queue
Characteristic Front-Panel Display
Error Queue SCPI Remote Interface
Error Queue
(number of errors) 11 30
Overflow Handling Circular (rotating).
Drops oldest error as new error comes in.
Linear, first-in/first-out.
Replaces newest error with:
−350, Queue overflow
Viewing Entries Press: System, Show Errorsa
a. Error history includes the date and time an error last occurred, the error number,
the error message, and the number of times the error occurred.
Use SCPI query
Clearing the Queue Press:
System, Show Errors, ClearError Queue
Power up.
Send a *CLS command.
Read last item in the queue.