Chapter 3 113
PSA Functional Tests
Frequency Response (Flatness)
PSA Functional Tests
6. Set up the spectrum analyzer by pressing:
Frequency, 50, MHz
Span, 50, kHz
Amplitude (ref level), –10, dBm
BW/Avg, Average (On), 10, Enter
7. Adjust the synthesized sweeper output power for a power meter display of –14 dBm
±0.1 dB.
NOTE The power level of the synthesized sweeper remains unchanged for the
duration of the test.
8. Press the Peak Search key on the signal analyzer to position the marker on the peak of
the signal.
9. Refer to Table 3-5, “Frequency Response (Flatness) Results.” Enter the amplitude of the
signal displayed on the spectrum analyzer into the MeasAmp column of Table 3-5.
10.Enter the power meter reading into the PowerMeter column of Table3-5.
11.Tune the synthesized sweeper and spectrum analyzer to the next frequency listed in
12.Enter the power sensor calibration fac to r in to th e p o w e r m e t er.
13.For frequencies 3 GHz and above, press Amplitude, then Presel Center to center the
preselector filter for an optimum amplitude measurement.
14.Repeat steps 8-13 and complete the remainder of Table3-5 for the frequency range of
your analyzer.
15.Compute the measurement error (MeasError = MeasAmp − PowerMeter).
16.Compute the flatness error normalized to 50 MHz:
(MeasError − MeasError @ 50 MHz)
17.Enter the computed flatness error value into the FlatNorm column of Table3-5.
18.Compare the value of FlatNorm to the test limit.