34 Chapter 1
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Instrument MessagesError Messages
NOTE Error numbers are displayed in the error queue, not on the display.
To see an error number, press System, Show Errors.
None Hardware Fail
ESA message NOT USED
A hardware failure has occurred. Get in touch with your service center.
0: No Error
0 No error
The queue is empty. Either every error in the queue has been read, or the
queue was cleared by power-on or *CLS.
−499 to −400: Query Errors
NOTE Error numbers are displayed in the error queue, not on the display.
To see an error number, press System, Show Errors.
–440 Query UNTERMINATED after i ndefinite response
Indicates that a query was received in the same program message after a
query requesting an indefinite response was executed (see IEEE 488.2,
Indicates that a condition causing a DEADLOCKED query error occurred
(see IEEE 488.2, For example, both the input buffer and the
output buffer are full and the analyzer cannot continue. The analyzer
automatically discards output to correct the deadlock.
Indicates that a condition causing an UNTERMINATED query error
occurred (see IEEE 488.2, For example, the device was addressed
to talk and an incomplete program message was re c e iv ed.
Indicates that a condition causing an INTERRUPTED query error