80 Chapter 1
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Attempt to load/store table data with an incorrect extension.
12775 Failed to store Limit line
Attempt to load/store table data with an incorrect extension.
12776 Incorrect filename, allowable extensions LIM
Attempt to load/store table data with an incorrect extension.
12778 Failed to store Trace
A problem occurred when trying to load or store table data.
12779 Failed to load Loss data
A problem occurred when trying to load or store table data.
12780 Failed to store Loss data
A problem occurred when trying to load or store table data.
12781 Incorrect filename, allowable extension LOS
Attempt to load/store table data with an incorrect extension.
12995 Noise Figure DLP requires Noise Source Control Hardware
You have attempted to initiate the Noise Figure mode with the Noise Source
Control hardware installed in your instrument. You must install the Noise Source Control hardware before running the Noise Figure mode.
13001 to 13100: 1xEV-DO Error Messages (Option 204) An erro r n umber in this
range indicates the instrument has detected an error relating to the 1xEV personality.
13024 Signal too noisy
13026 Input power too low
The instrument only identifies a channel as active if it meets the default
threshold criteria that it is within 20 dB of the highest power code
channel. The threshold can be chan ged using the Active Set Threshol d
function in the Meas Setup menu.
13070 Cannot correlate to input signal
Cannot correlate to the input signa l and no active channel is found. (fro m
composite EVM measurement) An active channel must meet the default
threshold criteria that it is within 20 dB of the highest power code
channel. The threshold can be changed using the active set threshold
function in the Meas Setup menu.
13074 Valid 1xEV burst not found
In a 1xEV measurement, data was acquired but a 1xEV burst was not
found, with the timeslot mode disabled.