54 Chapter 1
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
787 WBIF Self Test Failed
Variable resistor 122 performs a loop-back self-t est on power up . It do es an
ADC image calibration, then stores a sine wave in RAM and plays it out
the DAC. It then measures the carrier power, image rejection and
signal-to-noise ratio. If this test fails, the wideband IF pc assemblies are
either incorrectly installed or have a hardware failure. Call your Agilent
Service Representative.
There is diagnostic information available for the CE. The self test can be
run with DIAG:WBIF:TEST? This command ret urns 4 values: passed,
carrier power, image rejection and signal-to-noise ratio.
First look at the carrier power. If it is below –50, the LVDS cable is
probably missing or faulty. If the carrier power is above 0 dBm, image
rejection less than 40 but signal-to-noise ratio is more than 50, there is
probably a bad ADC.
788 WBIF ADC Image Calibration Failed
The Opt 122 card uses two ADCs that must be kept in perfect
synchronization to avoid unwanted images appearing in the spectrum. The
instrument will occasionally perform an ADC Image Calibration (formerly
known as Step Cal) to re-synchronize the ADCs. This calibration is only
known to fail if there is a hardware problem.
789 WBIF Firmware Reset
Opt 122 has a local microprocessor controlling the hardware trigger. If
this microprocessor resets, it will automatica l l y re st a r t and begin taking
data again, posting this notice to the user. While thi s should never hap pen,
it is a self-recovering error that requires no action on the part of the user.
If, however, it starts to occur frequently, contact your Agilent service
representative to find out if there is a firmware upgrade to solve this
791 Acquiring Data...
795 No trigger before timeout; auto-triggered
797 Awaiting Trigger, no AUTO Trig
801 Memory limit caused Data Acquisition to be truncated
805 doing Alignment...
Greater than 10000: Measurement Applicatio ns Errors
NOTE Error numbers are displayed in the error queue, not on the display.
To see an error number, press System, Show Errors.