Chapter 1 81
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
13101 to 13200: Flexible Digital Modulation Analysis Error Messages (Option
241) An error number in this range indicates the instrument has detected an error
relating to the Flexible Digital Modulation Analysis personality.
13102 Valid signal not found
The input signal cannot be demodulated because of inappropriate
parameter settings or incorrect signal
13104 Valid burst not found
The burst signal cannot be detected because of inappropriate parameter
settings or incorrect signal.
13106 Sync word not found
The sync word cannot be detected because of inappropriate parameter
settings or incorrect signal.
13108 Points/Symbol changed to an even number because of demod format
Offset QPSK allows only even values for points/symbol. The user changed
the demod format to OQPSK while the points/symbol was set to an odd
value. Therefore, the points/symbol was re-set to an even number.
13110 Sync Pattern includes non-hex characters
The sync pattern should only consist of hex characters. Invalid characters
are converted to 0.
13112 Sync Word Length changed to new upper limit
The upper limit of Sync word bits is 128. If the code word length (sync
word length) exceeds this value, then the sync word length is cut off. This
warning may happen only when the demod format is changed.
13114 Sync offset value not valid
The sync offset value is too far off from a value that would be reasonable to
measure valid portion of data. So the measurement gives up trying to
apply the offset value.
13116 Search Length is shortened because of high IF Band Width
The upper limit of the search length is 50 ms when the IF bandwidth is
> 6.7 MHz, and it is 100 ms when IF BW is < 6.7 MHz.
Instrument Messages Without NumbersError Messages Without Numbers
Error Attempt to change signal data failed.
EMC message, NOT USED