76 Chapter 1
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
10926 to 10950: PDC Error Messages (Option BAE) An error number in this range
indicates the instrument has detected an err o r re l a ting to the PDC personality.
10926 Sync word not found
In an EVM measurement, the sync word is not found and the
synchronization cannot be established when Sync Word is selected in the
Burst Sync menu.
10928 Valid PDC burst not found
A valid PDC burst is not found when the Device is MS.
10930 Signal too noisy
The valid EVM measurement cannot be performed, because the input
signal is too noisy.
10932 Burst Delay out of limit for EVM (2 ms)
In an EVM measurement, the Burst Delay value must be less than 2 ms.
10951 to 10975: cdmaOne Error Messages (Option BAC) An error number in this
range indicates the instrument has detected an e rr o r re lating to the cdmaOne personality.
10952 Signal exceeds maximum allowable power
10954 Input overload
Excessive input power has been detected which will cause the ADC to clip
the signal. Reduce the signal level, change the attenuator/max total power
setting (under Input menu), or press Restart if the RF Input Range is Auto.
10956 Channel center frequency outside device’s transmit band.
10960 No power at carrier frequency
No power was detected as a CW or a modulated signal.
10962 Cannot correlate to input signal
A correlation failure with the pilot CDMA channel occurred during
synchronous demodulation.
10976 to 11000: Phase Noise Error Messages (Option 226) An error number in this
range indicates the instrument has detected an error relating to the Phase Noise
10976 CMD ERR, <name of offending command>
When a command or command argument is not recognized by the parser a
command error is generated.