40 Chapter 1
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
120 Numeric data error; VGR
Numeric data error
This error, and errors 121 through 129, is generated when parsing a
data element that appears to be num eric, including non-decimal numeric
types. This message is used if the device cannot detect a more specific
114 Header suffix out of range
The value of a header suffix attached to a program mnemonic makes the
header invalid.
113 Undefined header
The header is syntactically correct, but it is undefined for this specific
device. For example, *XYZ is not defined for any device.
112 Program mnemonic too long
The header contains more than twelve characters (see IEEE 488.2,
111 Header separator error
A character which is not a legal header separator was encountered while
parsing the header.
110 Command header error
An error was detected in the header. This message is used when the de vice
cannot detect the more specific errors described for errors 111 through
109 Missing parameter
Fewer parameters were received than required for the header. For
example, the *ESE common command requires one parameter, so rec eiving
*ESE is not allowed.
108 Parameter not allowed
More parameters were received than expected for the header. For example,
the *ESE common command only accepts one parameter, so receiving *ESE
0,1 is not allowed.
105 GET not allowed
A Group Execute Trigger was received within a program message (see
IEEE 488.2, 7.7). Correct the GPIB controller program so that the GET does
not occur within a line of GPIB program code.
104 Data type error
The parser recognized a data element that is not allowed. For example,
numeric or string data was expected, but block data was encountered.