140 Chapter 4
ESA Functional Tests
Frequency Readout Accuracy
ESA Functional Tests
Figure 4-2 Equipment Se tup
1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 4-2. Remember to connect the 10 MHz REF
OUT of the analyzer to the 10 MHz REF IN of the synthesized sweeper.
2. Perform the following steps to set up the equipment:
a. Press INSTRUMENT PRESET on the synthesized sweeper, then set the controls to:
CW, 1.490, GHz
b. Pre ss System, Power On/Preset, Preset Type (Factory), Preset on the analyzer, then
wait for the preset routine to finish. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys:
Frequency, 1.490, GHz
SPAN, 10, MHz
BW/Avg, Res BW, 100, kHz
Video BW, 30, kHz
CAUTION Use only 75 cables, connectors, or adapters on analyzers with 75 inputs,
or damage to connectors will occur.
3. Press Peak Search on the analyzer to measure the frequency readout accuracy. Record
this in the Marker Frequency Readout column in Table4-2 on page 141.
4. Press Span, 100, kHz, BW/Avg, Res BW, 1, kHz, Video BW, 1, kHz.
5. Press Peak Search on the analyzer to measure the frequency readout accuracy. Record
this in the Marker Frequency Readout column in Table4-2 on page 141.
NOTE The Frequency Readout Accuracy in now complete. Continue with the Marker
Count Accuracy functional check.