Chapter 4 139

ESA Functional Tests

Frequency Readout Accuracy

ESA Functional Tests
Frequency Readout Accuracy
Test Limits
Test Description

The frequency readout accuracy of the analyzer is tested with an input signal of known

frequency. Frequency reference error is eliminated by using the same frequency standard

for the analyzer and the synthesized sweeper.

Span Minimum) Maximum
10 MHz 1.48988 GHz 1.49012 GHz
100 kHz 1.4899988 GHz 1.4900012 GHz
Marker Count Accuracy with Counter
Resolution at 1 Hz 1.489999999 GHz 1.490000001 GHz
Item Critical Specifications
(for this test) Recommended
Agilent Model
Signal Sources
Synthesized Sweeper 10 MHz to 1.5GHz
External Reference Input 8340A/B or 836XX
Type-N (f), to APC
3.5(f) 1250-1745
Type-N, 152-cm
(60-in) 11500D
BNC, 122-cm (48-in) 10503A
Additional Equipment for 75-Ohm Input
Pad, minimum loss 11852B
Type-N (f), to BNC
(m), 75 1250-1534