86 Chapter 1
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Informational The file containing the list of cable types has been updated.
The file update was successful.
Informational This measurement does not support the *.CSV file format.
When utilizing the Phase Noise Personality: Option 226, *.CSV (comma
separated values) file format is not available.
Informational This operation requires a measurement to be active.
The analyzer cannot perform this operation, because it requires a
measurement to be running and no measurement is running.
Informational Tracking Peak Needed.
This message is displayed when there has been a change in Resolution
Bandwidth, Span, or Alignment since the previous Tracking Peak.
The message does not apply to the E4401B or E4411B Spectrum Analyzer.
Informational Use trigger delay to align bit p0 center on marker.
Tells you where to manually align P0.
Informational WARNING: You are about to delete all of the contents of
directory xxxxxx “x:\xxxxx\”. Press Delete Now again to
proceed or any other key to abort.
If you select a directory or subdirectory to delete, this popup message is
displayed when you press Delete Now. (xxxxxx “x:\xxxxx\” in the message
is the full path and directory name).
Informational Waiting for end of data acquisition to access floppy disk
Informational Volume <name> formatted
The indicated disk has been successfully formatt ed.
Status Messages
These messages indicate conditions that can cause the display of incorrect data. The name
of the corresponding status bit appears in parenthesis. Some messages display only the
status bit (as noted).
Status messages appear in the upper right portion of the screen grid.
Status * (Invalid Data)
Data on the screen may not match the screen annotation. For example,
while analyzer settings are changing or when any trace is in view mode.
Status 50 MHz Osc Unlevel (50 MHz Osc Unleveled)
The internal 50 MHz amplitude reference source has become unleveled.
This condition must be corrected before a valid alignment can be