Chapter 1 79
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
12314 No entries in loss table
A measurement is attempted or a SCPI query of a before or after loss table
is made and there are no entries in the relevant loss table
12316 T hot must be greater than T cold
A spot T hot has been specified which is not greater than T cold.
12603 Illegal MSDOS name given
An invalid filename has been specified. Use filenames with a maximum of
8 characters (letters and digits only) and use a 3 character extension. Note
that lowercase and uppercase are perceived as the same.
12604 File already exists
Attempt to store a file that already exists. Delete or rename the old file
and try again
12605 Media is protected
A store was attempted to a write-protected device.
12606 Media is not writable
A store was attempted to a read-only d evice.
12612 File does not exist
The file you were trying to recall could not be found.
12762 Incorrect filename, allowable extension CSV
Attempt to load/store table data with an incorrect extension.
12768 Failed to load ENR data
A problem occurred when trying to load or store table data.
12769 Failed to store ENR data
A problem occurred when trying to load or store table data.
12770 Incorrect filename, allowable extension ENR
Attempt to load/store table data with an incorrect extension.
12771 Failed to load Frequency List
A problem occurred when trying to load or store table data.
12772 Failed to store Frequency List
Attempt to load/store table data with an incorrect extension.
12773 Incorrect filename, allowable extension LST
Attempt to load/store table data with an incorrect extension.
12774 Failed to load Limit line