Chapter 3 115
PSA Functional Tests
Amplitude Linearity
PSA Functional Tests
Amplitude LinearityTest Limits
The linearity error will be ≤ ±1.0 dB with ≤ −10 dBm at the mixer.
Test Description
This test checks the amplitude linearity of the instrument by maintaining a constant
reference level and measuring signals of different amplitudes over most of the display
range. This test sets the input attenuator to 10 dB and the Reference Level to 0 dBm. The
external attenuator is set to 0 dB, and the amplitude of the source is adjusted to set the
displayed signal at the reference level.
The instrument’s internal marker is used to measure the reference amplitude. The Marker
Delta function is activated and the RF input is reduced using the external precision step
attenuator. Signal input levels from 0 dBm to −50 dBm are measured.
Item Critical Specifications
(for this test) Recommended
Agilent Model
Adapter Type-N(m), to BNC(f) 1250-1476
Adapter 3.5 mm(f) to 3.5mm(f) 5061-5311
Adapter BNC(m) to SMA(f) 1250-1700
APC 3.5 mm (1
meter) APC 3.5 mm, 1 meter 8120-4921
Attenuator, 10 dB
Step Range: 0-50 dB
Frequency: 50 MHz
Accuracy: ±0.25 dB
Cables (2 required) BNC, 120 cm (48 in.) 10503A
Sweeper Output Level Accuracy: 0 to –15 dBm: ±1.0 dB 83630B