48 Chapter 1
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
603 PSA only
615 ESA only File is corrupt
Corrupted file
The file that you were trying to load is corrupt.
617 Wrong density floppy inserted
The floppy disk has the wrong density. It should be 1.44MB.
618 Illegal write access of Flash memory
Attempt to write to an unavailable area of internal flash memory.
619 Can’t Auto-Couple RBW in Zero Span
You sent a remote command to set the RBW into auto while in zero span.
(Remote interface only.)
620 Can’t Auto-Couple Sweep Time in Zero Span
You sent a remote command to set the sweep time to auto while in zero
span. (Remote interface only.)
622 External reference missing or out of range
The external frequency reference signal is missing, has too low an
amplitude, or does not match the frequency value that you previously
entered into instrument memory.
623 Printer not responding
Printer not responding; ioctl ERROR
Check the printer. It may not be connected properly or turned on.
625 Printer out of paper
Load paper in printer.
626 Print failed; Can’t open print file desc
Print failed; DisplayExport can’t create print file
Print failed; DisplayExport illegal print language
Print failed; DisplayExport insufficient RAM space
Print failed; DisplayExport undetermined error
Print failed; Error transferring image to printer
Print failed; Printer ioctl failed
Print failed; Unknown printer response
627 PSA only
609 ESA only Media is not writable
A save was attempted to a read-only device or device that could not be
written to. Try a known-good disk.