116 Chapter 3
PSA Functional Tests
Amplitude Linearity
PSA Functional Tests
Figure 3-6. Amplitude Linearity Setup
NOTE Averaging is used for all measurements to improve repeatability and reduce
measurement uncertainty.
1. Configure the equipment as shown in Figure 3-6..
2. Set up the synthesized sweeper by pressing:
Frequency, 50, MHz
Amplitude, –2, dBm
RF On/Off, On
3. Set up the spectrum analyzer by pressing:
Preset (Factory Preset)
Frequency, 50, MHz
Span, Zero Span
NOTE On the analyzer, ensure the reference level is 0 dBm and the atten uator is set
to 10 dB.
BW/AVG, 30, kHz
Average, 10, Enter
Marker (to turn on Marker function)
4. Set the external 10 dB step attenuator to 0 dB.
5. Adjust the amplitude on the signal source until the marker amplitude on the analyzer
reads 0 dBm ±0.2 dB.
6. On the analyzer, press the Single key to trigger a 10 sweep average.
7. On the analyzer, activate the Marker Delta function by pressing Marker, Delta.