110 Chapter 3
PSA Functional Tests
Frequency Readout Accuracy
PSA Functional Tests
1. Configure the equipment as shown in Figure 3-4.. Confirm the analyzers built-in auto
alignment has been performed within the past 24 hours.
2. Perform the following steps to set up the equipment:
a. On the synthesized sweeper, press PRESET, then set the controls as follows:
CW, 1505, MHz, RF (On)
b. On the spectrum analyzer, press Preset.
3. Set up the spectrum analyzer by pressing:
System, Reference, 10, MHz, Ext (On)
Frequency, 1505, MHz
Det/Demod, Detector, Sample
Span, 2990, MHz
NOTE Ensure Ref Level is set to 0 dBm. In addition, ensure Resolut i o n BW an d
Video BW are both set to Auto.
4. Press Peak Search on the analyzer to measure the frequency readout accuracy. If the
instrument is functioning correctly, the marker reading in the acti ve func tion bloc k will
be between the values listed in Table3-4. Record the marker value in the Marker
Frequency Readout column in Table 3- 4.
5. On the spectrum analyzer, change the span and center frequency as listed in Table3-4.
6. Change the synthesized sweeper frequency to match the center frequency of the
7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 until the Marker Frequency Readout column of Table3-4 is
Table3-4 Frequency Readout Accuracy Results
(MHz) Center
(MHz) Minimum Marker Frequency Readout Maximum
2990 1505 1.495 GHz 1.515 GHz
127.2 1505 1.5045 GHz 1.5055 GHz
54.1 1505 1.50480 GHz 1.50520 GHz
7.95 1505 1.504968 GHz 1.505032 GHz
0.106 1505 1.5049996 GHz 1.5050004 GHz
1.98 517.59 517.5829 MHz 517.5971 MHz
1.98 832.50 832.4928 MHz 832.5071 MHz