50 Chapter 1
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
728 In <filename>, line <nnn>: separator missing
The [HEADER] section of a file contains entries requiring an equal (=) sign,
such as <keyword> = <value>. This message appears if the equal sign does
not appear on the line.
729 In <filename>: error reading file
Appears when loading data from a limit line or corrections disk file and a
failure to the file occurs.
730 In <filename>, line <numeric_value>: line too long
When loading data from a limit line or corrections disk file, this message
will appear if the length of any line in the file exceeds 255 characters.
731 In <command>: bad data count (<numeric_value>): expected
multiple of <numeric_value>
This message indicates that the data sent to a corrections or limit table via
the DATA or MERGE commands does not have the expected length for the
table. For example, this message would appear if an attempt were made to
merge 7 numeric values into a limit table, since each logical entry requires
3 values (frequency, amplitude, and connected).
732 In <filename>, line <numeric_value>: error parsing tokens
This message may appear when loading data from a limit line or
corrections disk file. It indicates a problem in the attempt to break a string
of text into tokens. There may be too few tokens in the string. In other
words, the file content must match the expected format. This typically
happens when there are too few numeric values in the [DATA] section of a
limit or corrections file.
733 In <filename>, line <numeric_value>: <xxx> is not numeric
This message may appear when loading data from a limit line or
corrections disk file. It indicates that a non-numeric token <xxx> was
found where a numeric token was expected. In other words, the file
content must match the expected format.
734 Interpolation error: cannot compute log of
Occurs when the frequency interpolation of a limit line is set to log and the
start frequency of the instrument is negative. The
<negative_frequency_value> is limited to
– 80 MHz, so it may not match the frequ ency that caused the error.
735 In <filename>: bad amplitude unit <unit>
This message indicates that unit <unit> is not recognized or supported.