Chapter 1 47
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
609 Restoration of NVRAM data
This error indicates that a file stored in Non-Volatile RAM has been
corrected based on the Hamming co des stored with the file. After the
correction, the file will contain the same data as when the instrument was
shut off. If this error continues to occur on successive power cycles, it may
indicate that there is a problem with the physical memory.
627 PSA only
609 ESA only Media is not writable
A save was attempted to a read-only device or device that could not be
written to. Try a known-good disk.
ERROR/NUMBER 609 Restoration of NVRAM data IS ALREADY
USED FOR HAPPENING./storage/directory/
610 File access is denied
The file is protected or hidden and cannot be accessed.
611 File access IO busy;
duplicate :SERVice[:PRODuction]:CALibrate:BEGin
File access IO busy; :SERVice[:PRODuction]:CALibrate:END
without a BEGin
601 PSA only
612 ESA only File not found
The analyzer could not find the specified file.
613 Flash memory is full
The internal flash memory is full. Clear some space by deleting unwanted
files. If your analyzer has a serial number less than US41440000 or
MY41440000 and Option B72 has not been installed, you may also
increase the flash memory size by purchasing Option B72.
763 PSA only
614 ESA only Bad, missing, or unformatted disk
Bad or missing floppy disk
The floppy disk is not inserted properly, is not formatted, or the directory
cannot be read. Insert a known good disk and try again.
615 PSA only
604 ESA only File already exists
You attempted to save to a file that already exists. Either del ete or rename
the existing file or select a new name, then try again.