Chapter 1 65
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
10353 There is no valid result to hold.
You have attempted to hold either ∆ f1 or ∆f2 before it has been measured.
10360 Can’t compute result - not enough transitions.
This message is displayed when the measurement cannot find either a 111,
000, 101 or 010 pattern and is therefore unable to calculate the low or high
frequency deviations.
10389 Valid EDGE burst not found in frame (Burst Type)
No active EDGE bursts that match the selected burst type have been
detected in the RF input signal. Search was performed over the complete
EDGE frame.
10390 Valid EDGE burst not found in specified timeslot (Burst Type)
No active EDGE bursts that match the selected burst type have been
detected in the RF input signal. Search was performed over the specified
10391 Valid EDGE burst not found in frame (Ref Burst)
No active EDGE bursts that match the selected burst type have been
detected in the RF input signal. Search was performed over the specified
complete EDGE frame using the Ref Burst setting.
10392 B7D DSP Code Fail. Reload Opt. 202. Contact your Service
The DSP algorithm files required to perform the demodulation are not
present in the instrument ISDP: drive.
10393 Opt 252 DSP algorithm code file requires upgrade.
10394 Opt 252 DSP algorithm coef. file requires upgrade.
10395 B7D DSP Code Fail. Reload Opt. 202. Contact your Service
The DSP algorithm files required to perform the demodulation are present
in the instrument ISDP: drive, but cannot be loaded properly into DSP
10396 EDGE Upgrade (252) unlicensed. Please contact your Agilent
Sales Rep.
10400 Valid signal not found.
This error is normally generated because of one of the following reasons:
1. There is no carrier signal.
2. The carrier signal power has changed during th e measurement, causing
ADC to over/under range.
3. There is some other modulation problem that will prevent the
measurement from being made. This problem must be corrected before the
measurement can continue.