74 Chapter 1
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
10652 EVM Measurement only supports EDGE TCH burst type
10654 Unable to demodulate signal
10655 Input overload
Excessive input power has been detected which will cause the ADC to clip
the signal. Reduce the signal level, change the attenu a t or setting (under
Input menu), or press Restart if the RF Input Range is Auto.
10656 Tx Band Spur measurement does not support this frequency band
The transmit band spur measurement does not support all of the
commercially available frequency bands. You need to change your selection
under Mode Setup, Radio, Band to one of the supported bands.
10657 Pretrigger too long
10658 Valid GSM burst not found for selected timeslot
In a GSM measurement, data was acquired but a GSM burst was not
found, with the timeslot mode enabled.
10701 to 10800: W-CDMA Error Messages (Option BAF) An error number in this
range indicates the instrument has detected an error relating to the W-CDMA personality.
10702 Signal too noisy
10704 Input power too low
The instrument only identifies a channel as active if it meets the default
threshold criteria that it is within 20 dB of the highest power code
channel. The threshold can be chan ged using the Active Set Threshol d
function in the Meas Setup menu.
10768 Cannot correlate to input signal
Cannot correlate to the input signa l and no active channel is found. (fro m
the composite EVM measurement) An active channel must meet the
default threshold criteria that it is within 20dB of the highest power code
channel. The threshold can be changed using the active set threshold
function in the Meas Setup menu.
10772 Burst not found.
Either the signal being analyzed has insufficient power, the rising or
falling edges cannot be detected, or the burst is less than
126 microseconds.
10776 Cannot sync DPCCH pilot.
This error message appears when an in Slot power measurement
(Chip Power) is selected and the DPCCH sync is not done