Chapter 1 85
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Informational Measurement halted. Press a measurement key to continue.
This error occurs after you choose Cancel to refrain from setting the
attenuator to 0 dB during the Rece ive Channel Power and Receive Spur
Informational No Fast ADC hardware installed. Meas unavailable.
The analyzer cannot use sweep times of less than 5milliseconds when
Option B7D or Option AYX is not installed. Therefore the measurement
will not be executed.
Informational Not enough frequency range to measure harmonics for channel.
Selected harmonics are above the frequency range of the analyzer.
Informational One or more harmonics beyond freq limit: number decreased.
The highest harmonic was beyond the frequency limit of the analyzer, so
the number of measured harmonics was decreased.
Informational Option activated
This message is displayed after entering the selected option’s License Key.
Informational Please set RF input range (INPUT menu) to manual first.
In order to manually set the reference level and/or the attenuation under
the Amplitude front-panel key, the RF Input Range menu under the Input
front-panel key must be set to Man (manual).
Informational Shutdown in process.
The analyzer is responding to the Standby key selection, and is executing
the shutdown procedure.
Informational Table loaded successfully.
When the Load Table key was pressed on the second page of the edit table
form while in the out-of-band spurious measurement, the file was present.
The information has been loaded into the measurement where it may be
edited again. This message will also appear when the out-of-band spurious
measurement is opened if a spur table has been previously saved.
Informational Table saved successfully.
This message appears after you press the Save Table key on the second
page of the edit table for the out-of-band spurious measurement. It
indicates that the current spur table has been written successfully to disk
and is available to be loaded by means of the Load Table key.
Informational The calibration data is invalid, and has been cleared.
A parameter has changed that affects calibration. Therefore the
calibration data has been reset, and for best results recalibration is