Chapter 1 89
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Status Freq Count: Reduce Span/RBW ratio
The span is too wide for the current resolution bandwidth. Either reduce
the span or increase the RBW.
Status Freq outside cal range
The existing user cal has been invalidated because the current
measurement frequencies lie partially or wholly outside the range of
frequencies used for user-cal.
Status Frequency Reference Error (Freq Ref Unlocked)
The frequency reference lock loop has unlocked or is near an unlock
condition. This message can occur when eith er the internal or external
reference is selected. If external reference is selected, assure the frequency
of the external reference source exactly matches the user entered value
displayed on the reference menu key.
The frequency reference has been tuned too far off of 10MHz. This
condition may be corrected by cycling power on the analyzer.
Status (IF Align Failure) status bit only, no message
A failure has occurred during the IF alignment. Measurement results may
be invalid.
Status IF Gain fixed
The autoranging function of the analyzer has been turned off (Amplitude,
More, More, IF Gain (Fixed)). This setting is useful when measuring signals
that require fast measurement time, narrow resolution bandwidths (< 1
kHz), and < 70 dB of display range. For more information on this setting,
refer to IF Gain key description in the ESA Spectrum Analyzer Users
Status IF Overload (IF/ADC Over Range)
The IF section has been overloaded. Measurement results may be invalid.
Status Input is internal (no corresponding status bit)
This message applies to the Agilent Technologies E4401B and E4411B only.
Indicates the 50 MHz Amptd Ref selection is On. With the 50 MHz amplitude
reference on, the input is routed through an internal signal path.
Status LO Stop freq must be >= min system input freq
The current measurement mode requires that the stop RF (input to DUT)
frequency must be more than the minimum system input frequency away
from the fixed LO frequency.
Status (LO Align Failure) status bit only, no message
A failure has occurred during the alignment of the local oscillator (LO).
Measurement results may be invalid.