
Core Logic Module - Bridge, GPIO, and LPC Registers - Function 0

Table 6-29. F0: PCI Header/Bridge Configuration Registers for GPIO and LPC Support (Continued)









Index BBh

RTC Index Shadow Register (RO)

Reset Value: xxh


RTC Index Shadow. The RTC Shadow register contains the last written value of the RTC Index register (I/O Port 070h).

Index BCh


Clock Stop Control Register (R/W)

Reset Value: 00h




PLL Delay. The programmed value in this field sets the delay (in milliseconds) after a break event occurs before the internal


SUSP# signal is de-asserted to the GX1 module. This delay is designed to allow the clock chip and CPU PLL to stabilize


before starting execution. This delay is only invoked if the STP_CLK bit was set.



The 4-bit field allows values from 0 to 15 ms.




0000: 0 ms

0100: 4 ms

1000: 8 ms

1100: 12 ms


0001: 1 ms

0101: 5 ms

1001: 9 ms

1101: 13 ms


0010: 2 ms

0110: 6 ms

1010: 10 ms

1110: 14 ms


0011: 3 ms

0111: 7 ms

1011: 11 ms

1111: 15 ms







Reserved. Set to 0.




0CPU Clock Stop.

0:Normal internal SUSP#/SUSPA# handshake.

1:Full system Suspend.

Note: This register configures the Core Logic module to support a 3V Suspend mode. Setting bit 0 causes the SUSP_3V signal to assert after the appropriate conditions, stopping the system clocks. A delay of 0-15 ms is programmable (bits [7:4]) to allow for a delay for the clock chip and CPU PLL to stabilize when an event Resumes the system.

A write to the CPU Suspend Command register (F0 Index AEh) with bit 0 written as:

0:Internal SUSP#/SUSPA# handshake occurs. The GX1 module is put into a low-power state, and the system clocks are not stopped. When a break/resume event occurs, it releases the CPU halt condition.

1:Internal SUSP#/SUSPA# handshake occurs and the SUSP_3V signal is asserted, thus invoking a full system Suspend (both GX1 module and system clocks are stopped). When a break event occurs, the SUSP_3V signal is de-asserted, the PLL delay programmed in bits [7:4] are invoked which allows the clock chip and GX1 module PLL to stabilize before de-asserting the internal SUSP# signal.

Index BDh-BFh


Reset Value: 00h




Index C0h-C3h

User Defined Device 1 Base Address Register (R/W)

Reset Value: 00000000h


User Defined Device 1 Base Address. This 32-bit register supports power management (Trap and Idle timer resources) for a PCMCIA slot or some other device in the system. The value in this register is used as the address comparator for the device trap/timer logic. The device can be memory or I/O mapped (configured in F0 Index CCh).

The Core Logic module cannot snoop addresses on the Fast-PCI bus unless it actually claims the cycle. Therefore, Traps and Idle timers cannot support power management of devices on the Fast-PCI bus.

Index C4h-C7h

User Defined Device 2 Base Address Register (R/W)

Reset Value: 00000000h


User Defined Device 2 Base Address. This 32-bit register supports power management (Trap and Idle timer resources) for a PCMCIA slot or some other device in the system. The value in this register is used as the address comparator for the device trap/timer logic. The device can be memory or I/O mapped (configured in F0 Index CDh).

The Core Logic module cannot snoop addresses on the Fast-PCI bus unless it actually claims the cycle. Therefore, Traps and Idle timers cannot support power management of devices on the Fast-PCI bus.

Index C8h-CBh

User Defined Device 3 Base Address Register (R/W)

Reset Value: 00000000h


User Defined Device 3 Base Address. This 32-bit register supports power management (Trap and Idle timer resources) for a PCMCIA slot or some other device in the system. The value in this register is used as the address comparator for the device trap/timer logic. The device can be memory or I/O mapped (configured in F0 Index CEh).

The Core Logic module cannot snoop addresses on the Fast-PCI bus unless the it actually claims the cycle. Therefore, Traps and Idle timers cannot support power management of devices on the Fast-PCI bus.


AMD Geode™ SC3200 Processor Data Book

Page 216
Image 216
AMD SC3200 Index BCh Clock Stop Control Register R/W Reset Value 00h, Reserved. Set to CPU Clock Stop, Index BDh-BFh, 216