

TSM: Cannot load script <string> for channel <channel>

TSM failed to load the specified script from disk. This message occurs if TSM encountered an error while opening or reading the script file.

Reload application software if error persists. Ensure that:

The assembled script file (.T file) is in directory /vs/trans.

The assembled script file (.T file) is in the proper format, that is, it is the output produced by the tas assembler.


TSM: No Slot Available for Script <string>

Contact your Field Service Representative for assistance.


TSM: Cannot Find Script <string>; errno = <integer>

TSM failed to open the specified script file. This occurs if the script file does not exist. The value of the errno indicates the cause of the error.

Ensure that the script file (.T file) is in directory /vs/trans.

Script needs to be assigned.

Look up the value of errno in Intro(2), Introduction to Section 2 in the Programmer Reference Manual.

407 (TSM_BADSCRIPT), MAJOR TSM: Script <string> has Bad Format

The format of the script file (.T file) is invalid. This can occur if the file is not the output of the tas assembler.

Ensure that the script file (.T file) is the output of the tas assembler.

Reload the application software if error persists.


TSM: Read Error on Script <string>

A read error occurred while TSM was reading the script file from disk.

Hang up the telephone and try again several times.

You have UNIX System disk problems. Reboot the system, then reload the software.


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AT&T 2.1.1 manual TSMTRAN, Major, TSMNOSLOT, Major, TSMNOSCRIPT, Major, TSMSCRD, Major