Chapter 3: Configuration
•Priority: Controls the port priority. This can be used to control priority of ports having identical port cost. (See 3.4.3 MSTI Priorities).
-Save: Click to save changes.
-Reset: Click to undo any changes made locally and revert to previously saved values.
3.4.6 Bridge Status
After you complete the MSTI Port configuration, confibure the Bridge Status. This section provides a status overview of all STP bridge instances. The displayed table contains a row for each STP bridge instance, where the column displays the following information:
Web Interface
To display the STP Bridges status in the Web interface:
1.Click Configuration, Spanning Tree, STP Bridges
3.Click “Refresh“ to refresh the STP Bridges.
Figure 3.23 The STP Bridge Status screen.
Parameter Description
•MSTI: The Bridge Instance. This is also a link to the STP Detailed Bridge Status.
•Bridge ID: The Bridge ID of this Bridge instance.
•Root ID: The Bridge ID of the currently elected root bridge.
•Root Port: The switch port currently assigned the root port role.
•Root Cost: Root Path Cost. For the Root Bridge it is zero. For all other Bridges, it is the sum of the Port Path Costs on the least cost path to the Root Bridge.
•Topology Flag: The current state of the Topology Change Flag of this Bridge instance.
•Topology Change Last: The time since last Topology Change occurred.
•Auto-refresh: Check Auto-refresh to refresh the information automatically.
•Icon, upper right of screen (Refresh): Click to refresh the STP Bridges status information manually.
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