19-14 Sm artSwit ch 1800 4.0 U ser Gui de, Rev 01

IP Ping Connectivity Test

The IP Ping function sends packets to an IP host to determine whether the host is
reachable. Press [F] at the Operations Menu to display the following:
Figure 19-3 IP Pi ng Con ne ctivi t y Test M e nu
[B],[F] from Main Menu
To begi n the test :
1. Press [A] and enter an IP ad dress of the host that will receive (and echo) the pings.
2. Make a ny desi r ed chang e to the Inter-Packet Time, within the range of 1–15
(seconds). This is an interval between transmission of packets.
3. When the parameters are configured the way you want them, press [F4], and the
node will begin sending pings. As each ping is returne d from the host, a message
will be displayed, noting the packet size and IP address of the host.
4. To stop sending pings, press [F3]. Test statistics will be displayed.
5. Press [F3] again to exit the test menu.
Node Name=node_xyz
IP Ping C onnect ivity Test
A IP A ddress
B In ter-Packet Time (secs) 1