On-line Operat ions 19-13
Disabling and Enabling SDLC PUs
These operations disable or enable the link station connectio n bet ween the node and a
PU or a ra nge of PUs (groupe d by sequ e ntial por t number s).
Press [G] at the Operations Menu to display the following figure.
Figure 19-2 On-Li ne SDLC PU O p eratio ns Menu
[B],[G] from Main Menu
Select the desired operation from the menu. When prompted:
If enabl ing or disab li n g a si ng l e PU, enter:
RLP Port: 0–7. Valid numb e rs for phy sical por ts depe nd on the mo del of
SmartSwitch 1800—see port locations on page 6-1.
PU station address: 0–ff.
If enabling or disabling a range of PUs, enter:
From port: 0–7. Va l id numbers for phy sical por t s depend on the mo de l of
SmartSwitch 1800—see port locations on page 6-1.
To port: 0–7.
Node Name=node_xyz
On-Line SDLC PU Operations
A Disable an SDLC PU
B Disable a Range of SDLC PUs
C En a bl e an SDL C PU
D En able a R ange of SDL C PUs