System Events 22-7
312.Tran F rm/Sec exceeded T:“n” C:“n”
Severity: 4
Meaning: The port sta tistic Transmitted Frames/Sec (*100) has exceeded the
thresh old ( T:“n”) that was set by the user. (C:“n” is the current
Action: If this happens frequently, you may need to reroute some traffic.
313.RTrn Frm/Sec exceeded T:“n” C:“n”
Severity: 4
Meaning: The port sta tistic Retran (Retransmitted) Frames/Sec (*100) ha s
exceeded the threshold (T:“n”) that was set by the user. (C:“n” is the
curre nt valu e .)
Action: If this happens frequently, check the line for noise, and check for
configuration errors on both the port and the connected device.
314.FCS Rej/Sec exceeded T:“n” C:“n”
Severity: 4
Meaning: The port statistic FCS (Frame Check Sequence) Errors/Sec (*100) has
exceeded the threshold (T:“n”) that was set by the user. (C:“n” is the
current value.) A value consistently greater than zero indicates line
Action: If this happens frequently, check the line for noise, and check for
configuration errors on both the port and the connected device.
315.Log R ej/Sec exceeded T:“n” C:“n”
Severity: 4
Meaning: The port sta tistic Logical Rejects/Sec (*100) has exceeded the
thresh old ( T:“n”) that was set by the user. (C:“n” is the current
value.) Logical Rejects are the sum o f Rejects and Fram e Rej ects. A
value consistently greater than zero indicates line problems.
Action: If this happens frequently, check the line for noise, and check for
configuration errors on both the port and the connected device.
316.Trn Er r Ratio exceeded T:“n” C:“n”
Severity: 4
Meaning: The port sta tistic Transmit Error Ratio has exceeded the threshold
(T:“n”) tha t was set by the user. (C:“n is the current value.) The
Transmit Error Ratio is the ratio of r etransmitted frames per second
to successfully transmitted frames per second.
Action: If this happens frequently, check the line for noise, and check for
configuration errors on both the port and the connected device.
317.Rcv Er r Ratio exceeded T:“n” C:“n”
Severity: 4