This symbol a nd te xt iden tifies a cauti onary n ote, t he conte nt of w hich is more critical to heed than an in format ional note.
The following references to keyboard keys appear in the manual and/or on t he screen:
[N] is a reference to a key on your keyboard (where “N” is the key).
Enter means that you should type in the infor mation, then press the [Enter] key .
Type is simi lar to Enter, except that the word “[Enter]” follows the informat ion to be t yped
(e.g., “type n [Enter]”).
Press mean s press (hit, strike) the k ey once. Pressing the [Enter] key afterwards is not necessary.
[Ctrl] fol lowed b y one or two other key designation s, must be struck simultane ously with the other
keys shown.
If a statement ends with a reference to a key—for example, “.. ..then press [Ente r]. ”—the period i s not
part of the data to be ente red. If a period should be entered, it will be shown as [.]. The same applies to
all other punctuation. When instructed to, for example, “press [A], [B] from the Main Menu,” this means
press [A] , then [B], not [A] comma [B].
Screen Displays
Screen Displays are provided to show the general appearance of actual screens. They are o nly
exam ples—t he info rmation show n is no t alwa ys repre sent ative o f an op eration al sy stem.