14-14 Sm artSwit ch 1800 4.0 U ser Gui de, Rev 01
is the routing metric c ount associated with the sec ondary IP address. This c ount is the
number of "hops" (subnet gateways in the overall path over the internet) associated
with this interface (usually zero). During routing, the interface with the lowest count
will be selected.
RIP Support
specifies the level of RIP support for the secondary IP address:
Enabled All RIP messages will be accepted, and messages of the
version configured in IP Node Defaults ([A], [A], [E], [A] from
the Main Menu—see page 14-3) will be transmitted.
Rcv Only RIP messages will be accepted, but not transmitted.
Disabled No RIP messages will be accepted or transmitted.
Configuring Static IP Routes
Routing of IP traffic is handled dynamically by such protocols as RIP, as well as via
static routes configured in the SmartSwitch 1800. Static routes are generally used for
fixed paths with predictable traffic loads, such as inter-nodal management.
To displ ay conf igured stat i c routes , press [F ] at the Connections and Routing Paths
Menu ( or [A ], [D], [F] from the Main Menu).
To configure a route, press [G] at the Connections and Routing Paths Menu. When
prompte d, en t e r a Route Number: 0–32767. (Default is 0.) This is simply an identifier.
Figure 14-4 IP Routing Record
[A],[D],[G] from Main Menu
Node Name=nodexyz
IP Static Routing Configuration
* Route Number: 1
A Router
B Metr ic Cou nt 1
C Route Type Network
D Route Destination
E Destination Mask