Configuring SNA 9-25
Database value will change. If Y, the System Memory value will change. Pressing [F7]
after changing either set of values will propagate the change to the other set. (This
must be done at each screen, and affects only those parameters on that screen.)
Connections Parame t ers
Sq is simply a sequence number to allow selection of a line in the display.
HSAP is the service access point (SAP) address used to connect to th e host. This must match
the SSAP (source SAP) in a frame received from the local LAN or the DSAP (desti-
nation SAP) in a frame from the remote link station.
Local Subscriber ID
is the subscriber address assigned to the local end of the SNA connection. If config-
uring an LLC2-to-SDLC link, this address must match the Remote Subscriber ID con-
figured i n the S NA po rt record for t h e SD LC d ev ic e. If configuri n g an LLC 2-to-LLC2
connection, this address must match the Remote Subscriber ID in the remote node's
LLC2 Host record.
Remote Subscriber ID
is the subscriber address assigned to the remote end of the SNA connection. If config-
uring an LLC2-to-SDLC link, this address must match the Local Subscriber ID con-
figured i n the S NA po rt record for t h e SD LC d ev ic e. If configuri n g an LLC 2-to-LLC2
connection, this addr ess must m atch the Local Subscriber I D in the remote node's LLC2
Host record.
IDBLKis used in conjunction with ID NUM in generating the Node field in an XID frame
(format 0 or 3) to e stablish a link statio n connection to the host. A further explanation
is provided under "IDNUM."
is used in conjuction with IDBLK in generating the Node f ield in an XID frame (forma t
0 or 3) to estblish a link station connection to the host. If both IDBLK and IDNUM
are set to 0, the Node field of the XID will be p rovided by the attac hed SDLC device.
(The node will send an XID command to the remote node to indicate that the SDLC
device should be polled for an XID.)
must correspond to the P IU size co nf igured on the h ost ( parameter MAXDATA of mac ro
PU in VTAM). For a link between a PU type 4 and a PU type 2, the frame size con-
figured for the HPAD and TPAD SNA ports must be set at the value of MAXDATA
in VTAM plus 6 bytes (corresponding to the length of the link header and the link
MaxInis the maximum number of sequentially numbered Information LPDUs that the link
station can have outstanding.