Code | Text | Cause | Corrective Actions |
E1A14 | SAS cable A | SAS cable A is missing or | Reseat the cable. If the |
| failure. | bad. | problem persists, replace |
| Check |
| cable. |
| connection. |
| If the problem persists, |
| |
| see "Getting Help." |
E1A15 | SAS cable B | SAS cable B is missing or | Reseat the cable. If the |
| failure. | bad. | problem persists, replace |
| Check |
| cable. |
| connection. |
| If the problem persists, |
| |
| see "Getting Help." |
E1A1D | Control panel | USB cable to the control | Reseat the cable. If the |
| USB cable not | panel is missing or bad. | problem persists, replace |
| detected. |
| cable. |
| Check cable. |
| If the problem persists, |
| |
| see "Getting Help." |
E2010 | Memory not | No memory was detected in | Install memory or reseat |
| detected. | the system. | the memory modules. See |
| Inspect |
| "Installing Memory |
| DIMMs. |
| Modules" or |
| "Troubleshooting System |
| Memory." |
E2011 | Memory | Memory detected, but is | See "Troubleshooting |
| configuration | not configurable. Error | System Memory." |
| failure. | detected during memory |
| Check DIMMs. | configuration. |
E2012 | Memory | Memory configured, but is | See "Troubleshooting |
| configured | unusable. | System Memory." |
| but unusable. |
| Check DIMMs. |
E2013 | BIOS unable | The system BIOS failed to | See "Troubleshooting |
| to shadow | copy its flash image into | System Memory." |
| memory. Check | memory. |
| DIMMs. |
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