CAUTION: The processor is held in its socket under strong pressure. Be aware that the release lever can spring up suddenly if not firmly grasped.
9Position your thumb firmly over the processor
10Use the tab on the processor shield to rotate processor shield upward and out of the way. See Figure
Figure 3-28. Removing the Processor
1 | 3 |
1 |
| 2 | processor |
3 | processor shield | 4 | ZIF socket |
CAUTION: Be careful not to bend any of the pins on the ZIF socket when removing the processor. Bending the pins can permanently damage the system board.
11Carefully, lift the processor out of the socket and leave the release lever up so that the socket is ready for the new processor.
After removing the processor, place it in an antistatic container for reuse, return, or temporary storage. Do not touch the bottom of the processor. Touch only the side edges of the processor.