Superuser A user with permission to enter any directory and make changes to files and programs that typical users are not allowed to change. To “become superuser” or “become root” means to let the system know that you are now assuming the role of system administrator. You can do this either by logging into the system as user root, or by typing su (switch user) at a
System administrator The person responsible for system and network installation, updating, maintenance, and security at your site.
System call Invocation of a kernel process by a user program.
System name See internet protocol address.
Terminal window A terminal window is a type of HP CDE window that emulates a complete display terminal. Terminal windows are typically used to fool
favorite terminal. When not running programs or executing operating system commands, terminal windows display the
Title bar The rectangular area, between the top of the window and the window frame, that contains the title of the window object.
TOC. See transfer of control.
Transceiver. A device that transmits and receives signals.
Transfer of control. Saves the state of the processor in Processor Internal Memory (PIM) and pending I/O operations are not disturbed.
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