Using Your 3.5-Inch Floppy Disk Drive
Verifying the Floppy Drive Configuration
Verifying the Floppy Drive Configuration
To verify that your workstation can communicate with the floppy drive, use the ioscan command in a terminal window to see which devices are currently in use on your system. Note that you will have to be superuser or root to use the ioscan command.
Enter the following command at the prompt and press Enter:
After a few seconds, the ioscan utility lists all of the I/O devices that use the “floppy” class. Your floppy drive should be among the devices listed. The list appears similar to the following:
Class I H/W Path | Driver S/W State H/W Type Description |
floppy 0 10/0/14/1/4.1 sioflop CLAIMED | DEVICE | HP_PC_FDC_FLOPPY |
/dev/floppy/c0t1d0 | /dev/rfloppy/c0t1d0 |
If ioscan does not detect any usable I/O system devices that use the “floppy” class, such as the floppy disk drive, nothing is output and you are returned to the system prompt. If this is the case, refer to Chapter 7, “Solving Problems.”
If the floppy disk driver is not configured, ioscan returns the following message:
ioscan: Device driver floppy is not in the kernel
If you receive this message, go to the section, “Configuring the Floppy Driver” in this chapter for information on adding the sioflop driver to the
Chapter 3 | 77 |