COPCOM392E The system cannot find the TCM object for the Hostname: VALUE_0, Type: VALUE_1, Object Label: VALUE_2

Explanation: The object lookup failed for the given Object Label.

Operator response: Ensure that the Object Label exists in the TCM database.

COPCOM393E The lookup results were ambiguous for TCM object Hostname: VALUE_0, Type: VALUE_1, Object Label: VALUE_2

Explanation: The object lookup results are ambiguous for the Object Label.

Operator response: Ensure that the Object Label is unique for the given type of the TCM database.

COPCOM394E The lookup was for a TCM object type that is not valid: VALUE_0

Explanation: The object lookup was for a TCM object type that is not valid.

Operator response: Ensure that the object is a valid TCM object type.

COPCOM395E The TCM object type VALUE_0 was not found.

Explanation: The TCM object type was not found in the TCM database.

Operator response: Ensure that the lookup is not based on a non-existent object type.

COPCOM396E The filter format is not valid. Filter: VALUE_0

Explanation: The filter does not follow the format specified.

Operator response: Ensure that the specified filter is consistant with specification. Example: PR=region-one,PM=profile-one,EP=endpoint-one,I=T; or PR=region-two,PM=profile-two,SP=profile^1.0,I=F;

COPCOM397E The TCM connection for Hostname VALUE_0 is uninitialized.

Explanation: The connection to the TCM server is uninitialized.

Operator response: Ensure that the TCM server is running.

COPCOM398E The TCM server connection initialization failed for Hostname: VALUE_0 with Username: VALUE_1.

Ensure that the TCM server is running and that the specified username and password are valid.

Explanation: The TCM server connection initialization failed.

Operator response: Ensure that the TCM server is running and that the specified username and password are valid.

COPCOM399E The TCM Orb access was denied for Hostname VALUE_0

Explanation: The TCM Orb access was denied for the thread.

Operator response: Ensure that the TCM server is running and that the specified username and password are valid.

COPCOM400E No TCM Gateways were found for Hostname: VALUE_0.

Explanation: There are no gateways defined for the given TCM server and its managed nodes.

Operator response: Ensure that the TCM server and managed nodes are up and running and have defined gateways.

COPCOM401E The endpoint lookup returned null for VALUE_0.

Explanation: The Endpoint lookup for the given label returned null or there are no valid subscriber Endpoints for the given Profile Manager.

Operator response: Ensure that the Endpoint either exists or is a valid subscriber to the given Profile Manager.

COPCOM402W The system is unable to find the Device Model VALUE_0 to associate with the VALUE_1 named VALUE_2.

Explanation: The Wizard attempted to associate a Device Model with the Discovery Technology or the Software Distribution Application and could not find the Device Model.

Operator response: Ensure that the Device Model exists and has been loaded into the Data Center Model.

COPCOM403E The constructor called is not instantiable.

Explanation: The constructor called is not instantiable.

116Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

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IBM 51 manual COPCOM395E The TCM object type VALUE0 was not found, COPCOM396E The filter format is not valid. Filter VALUE0