Use the Windows Services panel, or issue the ibmdiradm command on UNIX to verify if the service is running. IBM Directory Administrator uses the port number 3538 for requests.

You can also start and stop IBM Tivoli Directory Server using the ibmdirctl command:

vStarting the IBM Tivoli Directory Server: ibmdirctl -D cn=root -w <password> start

vStopping the IBM Tivoli Directory Server: ibmdirctl -D cn=root -w <password> stop

3.You can also use ldapsearch command line utility to verify whether IBM Tivoli Directory Server is running, configured properly, and responding to queries:

ldapsearch -h <ldapserver> -p 389 -D cn=root -w <password> -b "" -s base objectclass=*

The ldapsearch command is also located in the following directory: v On Windows: C:\IBM\ldap\bin

vOn UNIX: /usr/ldap/bin

For more information on command line tools that can be used during the IBM Tivoli Directory Server problem determination process, refer to “IBM Tivoli Directory Server command line tools” on page 33.

4.Verify whether the DB2 database is successfully started. For more information, refer to “DB2 Universal Database verification” on page 10.

5.Check the runtime IBM Tivoli Directory Server log files for errors. The logs are stored in the following directory:

v Windows: <LDAP_Install_Directory>\var\

vUNIX: /var/ldap/

where <LDAP_Install_Directory> is the installation directory for the LDAP server.

The log files include:






6.If required, edit the ibmslapd.conf file, which is the IBM Tivoli Directory Server configuration file that controls the server operation. The file is located in the following directory:

vOn Windows: C:\IBM\ldap\etc

vOn UNIX: /usr/ldap/etc

Note: IBM Tivoli Directory Server must be restarted for the edits to the ibmslapd.conf file to take effect.

The ibmslapd.conf file can be used for:

vChanging the IBM Tivoli Directory Server log locations

vAdding and removing IBM Tivoli Directory Server suffixes

vControlling server startup parameters and database connection parameters

vChanging administrator user credentials

vModifying SSL security settings

12Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

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IBM 51 manual Windows LDAPInstallDirectory\var