4.Follow the voice prompts to listen to and manage your messages. (You do not need to press Option to enter numbers, *, or # while checking voicemail or during any other call that requires interaction with an automated voice system.)


When a Voicemail icon appears at the top of the screen, you can tap the icon to retrieve your voicemail.

You can turn off the Center button voicemail notification. Press Start and select Settings. On the Personal tab, select Phone. Select the Beacon tab and uncheck the option to illuminate Center when voicemail arrives.


If you have trouble accessing a voicemail system, try changing the Keypad tone setting. See “Selecting Your Call Settings” on page 103.

Clearing the Voicemail Icon

After you retrieve your voicemail messages, the Voicemail icon at the top of your screen usually disappears. If it doesn’t, you can clear the Voicemail icon manually.

1.Press Start and select Settings.

2.On the Personal tab, select Phone .

3.Select the Services tab.

4.Select Voicemail from the list and then select Get Settings.

5.Tap Clear.


Section 2B: Using the Phone Features

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