308 Section 5B: Increasing Your Productivity
Adobe® Reader® LE
Adobe® Reader® LE lets you view PDF files whether they are saved to your device, attached to
email messages, stored on an expansion card (sold separately) inserted into your device’s
expansion card slot, or downloaded from the Web. You can customize the document display.

Viewing a File

Adobe Reader LE supports password-protected PDF files with up to 128-bit encryption. When
you open a password-protected PDF file, you must enter the password to open the file.
1. Press Start and select Programs.
2. Select Adobe Reader .
3. Navigate to and select the file you want to open.
Did you know? You can use the Files sync folder to transfer PDF files between your
computer and your TreoPro smartphone. The process is the same as
transferring Microsoft Office files. See “Synchronizing Microsoft® Office and
Other Files” on page 280 for details.
Tip To open additional files, press Menu (right softkey) and select Open. Select
the file you want from the list, or select Browse to navigate to and select the