documents 289 email accounts 135

email messages 146, 149, 150, 153 events 269

Exchange server accounts 136 files 227, 247, 281, 318 items in playlists 252 meeting requests 155 multimedia messages 170 notes 276, 307 partnerships 216, 387 pictures or videos 243 sounds 346

tasks 272 text 57

text messages 165, 170 desktop software 20, 406 Desktop view (Web pages) 185 device. See smartphone device-to-device connections 208 diagnostic information 362 dialing 76–80

digit grouping 347 digital cameras 237 See also camera

digital certificates 152, 187, 212, 319, 362 digital notebooks 305

digital signatures 151

Direct Push technology 125, 406 directory assistance 15 directory services 143, 149

See also address books; Global Address Lists

display. See touchscreen display settings 165, 346 document file types 284 documentation 13, 14, 20 documents

checking spelling in 288 copying and pasting text in 286 creating 283, 284, 285 deleting 289

displaying 139, 284, 289

finding and replacing text in 285–286formatting 287

opening 285 organizing 288

saving 283, 284, 285, 286, 289 setting margins for 287 setting options for 289

domains 133, 368

Download Message command 140 Download messages setting 152 downloading

attachments 140, 141, 151, 154 email 135, 140, 150, 152

files 189, 320

multimedia messages 166 music 119

pictures 189, 237 ringtones 96 videos 246

drafts 160

Draw command 274




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