receiving 83–84,91, 102 setting up conference 92 transferring to hands-free devices 95 transferring to voicemail 37, 84, 102, 103 viewing info about 81, 87

viewing recently dialed 79, 81 phone headsets

connecting to 94 losing connections 386 transferring calls to 96, 103 troubleshooting voice quality on 404

phone numbers adding callback 171

adding to contacts 89, 169, 259 assigning to speed dial 92–93blocking 172

copying and pasting 78, 80 dialing emergency 79, 354 dialing long distance 101–102entering from keyboard 76, 77, 78 entering from Keypad 80

entering special characters in 86, 102 getting from online address books 144 locating device 36

redialing 79 saving 81, 89 selecting 77, 78, 79, 159

Phone/Talk button 22 photos. See pictures Pics/Video Options command 172 picture files 161, 237

See also pictures; media files Picture Message command 161


See also images adding captions to 163

adjusting camera settings for 232, 235, 236

assigning to contacts 98, 242, 258 copying 240

deleting 243

displaying as backgrounds 241, 342 displaying as screen savers 239 displaying grid for 236 displaying on Web pages 192, 240 downloading 189, 237

editing 242

inserting in notes 306 moving 240 renaming 242, 243 rotating 239, 242 saving 231, 232, 235, 236 sending 162, 177, 239–240

setting messaging options for 172 setting size 239

sorting 241

synchronizing 42, 226, 228 taking 231–233,306, 401 troubleshooting sync problems for 392 viewing 237, 238, 307

Pictures & Videos application 237–243Pictures folder 228

PIMs 392, 407

PINs 357

plain text messages (email) 151, 153, 154 Play Slide Show command 238




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