4.Enter the recipient’s name, mobile phone number, or email address:

Enter the first letters of the recipient’s first or last name, the first and last initials separated by a space, or the email address. If a match is found in your Contacts list, select the name.


A match for a phone number will not be found in your Contacts list unless the contact has a phone number listed for Mobile tel. To review your Contacts list, press Menu (right softkey) and select Add Recipient.

If the recipient’s name is in an online address book, you can find the name and add it (see “Using an Online Address Book” on page 144).

If you have recently called or sent a message to the recipient, press Menu (right softkey), select Add Recipient > From Call History, and then select the recipient.

If the recipient’s name and mobile number are not in your Contacts list, enter the full mobile number or email address.

Separate addresses with semicolons (;). (Enter a semicolon by pressing Option + K.)

To enter an underscore, press Alt and select the character. (It’s the third character in the list.)

5.To confirm that addresses you enter are valid, press Menu (right softkey) and select Check Names. (An alert appears if any names or address you’ve entered are not valid.)

6.Enter your message, or press Menu (right softkey), select My Text, and then select a predefined phrase you want to insert.


Section 3C: Using Messaging


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