Index 455
See also media files
My Device folder 251, 317
My Documents folder 227, 282, 316
My Pictures folder 231, 233, 237
My Playlists folder 252
My Storage Card folder 251
My Text phrases 138, 159, 160, 163
My Treo application 14
My Videos folder 237
Name Servers option 214
See also user names
dialing by company 78
dialing by contact 77
finding contact 77, 144, 259
searching messages for 145, 261
document files 284, 286, 288
email accounts 131, 133
pictures or videos 242, 243
workbooks 294, 303, 304
worksheets 299, 300
navigator. See 5-way navigator
Network Adapters options 213
network connections. See connections
network keys 210
networks 104, 366
See also Sprint National Network; Wi-Fi
New Appointment command 265
New Sound command 98
New Task command 271
No Service message 106
nonwireless features. See organizer features
notebook 305
See also voice notes
adding contacts and 258
adding tasks and 271
correcting text in 306
deleting 276, 307
displaying 276
entering 273, 305
inserting pictures in 306
making phone calls and 81, 88
opening templates for 275
renaming 307
saving 275, 276
selecting links in 307
setting options for 276
sorting 307
viewing 83, 306
Notes application 273–276
Notes list 275
beaming and 220
closing 165, 166
connecting to Wi-Fi networks and 207,
208, 213
receiving information and 218
receiving messages and 165, 166, 168
retrieving voicemail and 85
selecting links and 148
sending messages and 164