Index 439
1xRTT connections 405
411 phone calls 15
5-way navigator 22, 54, 57, 402
911 phone calls 79, 354
accented characters 64, 353
accessories 369
See also email accounts
accessing corporate 366
accessing GPS systems and 200
accessing voicemail and 85
accessing Windows Live services and 173
connecting to Exchange servers and 125
connecting to Wi-Fi networks and 207
creating passwords for 38
downloading music and 119
enabling data services and 32, 114, 115
enabling Internet Sharing and 115
getting user names for 115
making phone calls and 90, 92
managing 15
preventing unauthorized use of 362
roaming and 104
sending error reports and 363
sending instant messages and 178, 179,
activation 32, 114
ActiveSync software 405
See also synchronization software
Add new device option 215
Add Optional Attendee command 266
Add Recipient command 144, 159
Add Required Attendee command 266
Add Server Source command 126
Add to Favorites command 188
Add to Speed Dial command 93
address books
accessing online 143, 144
disabling online 144
finding names in 149, 261
removing directory services from 143
synchronizing with 391
accessing Web pages and. See URLs
adding multiple 138, 177
adding to contacts 142, 169, 258
copying 391
mapping 260
searching for 145, 261
selecting 145
sending meeting requests and 266
sending messages and 137, 159, 161
setting email options for 149
setting security options for 152
verifying 143, 159