Index 448
ESMTP authentication 398
EVDO technology 406
See also appointments
categorizing 268
creating 264
deleting 269
marking as sensitive 267
setting reminders for 265, 269
Excel files 293
See also spreadsheets
Excel Mobile application 292–304
Exchange ActiveSync 41
Exchange servers
accessing address books for 143, 144
connecting to 332–334
deleting accounts 136
entering settings for 127
getting information from 125
receiving email and 125, 139
setting up accounts for 125–128
synchronizing over 41, 125, 129, 334
troubleshooting sync problems with 391,
Exclusive Programs List 71
expansion card slot 24
expansion cards
encrypting 328
formatting 323
inserting and removing 324
installing applications onto 321
moving applications to 326
moving files to 247, 288, 303, 326
opening items on 325
playing media files on 246, 251
renaming items on 327
running applications from 325
saving files to 325
searching on 316
storing attachments on 150
storing information on 323, 326, 404
storing pictures and videos on 235
troubleshooting 381
viewing available space on 327
viewing items on 241, 251, 327
Express Settings command 122
Extensible Authentication Protocol. See EAP
External GPS settings 201
external power sources 364
factory settings, restoring 254
factory-installed applications 14, 322, 435
See also specific application
favorites. See Web favorites
Favorites command 188
feedback 404
File Explorer 317–318
file names 284
file types
email attachments 140
images or pictures 237
media 246
multimedia 161
ringtones 96