Monitoring the HotWire DSLAM
Table 7-5. IP Router Menu Options (2 of 3)
Routing Information Window
In addition, the lower
Route # ± Displays the number of the route for the given destination. If more than one route exists for the given destination, you may view subsequent routes by entering the routing entry number at the [Route # or <RET>]: prompt.
Next Hop ± Indicates the IP address of the next hop device for the specified destination.
Protocol ± Displays the type of routing protocol by which the route was learned (i.e., static or direct).
Preference ± Specifies the assigned preference number to this route. If more than one route exists for the given destination, this number is compared to the preference number of the other routes. The route with the lowest preference number is the preferred route.
The value of 0 indicates the highest preference. The greater the number, the lower the preference.
Flags ± Indicates if a route is a Host and if the next hop is valid.
Interface ± Displays the name of the interface associated with the destination address.
State ± Indicates the various state information about the route including Permanent, Deleted, SRC, Host, Net, Subn.
Metric ± Not applicable.
Age ± Displays the length of time in seconds that a
Revision # ± Not applicable.
Max Age ± Displays the maximum length of time in seconds before a
Ref Count ± Number of internal references for this route.
Displays the working routing table. Routes will appear only for interfaces that are up. Details for the selected destinations are shown in the lower right corner. You may select a different destination by entering a number at the ªDestination #º prompt. If more than one route exists for the given destination, you may view subsequent routes by entering the number at the ªRoute #º prompt.
ARP Table | |
Displays the current Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache. Permanent entries show an age of 0.
Line ± Sequential number of line.
IP Address ± Internet Protocol Address.
Ethernet Address ± Ethernet address associated with the IP address. (An incomplete can be shown in this column for some internal entries such as the backplane.)
Min ± Number of minutes since this entry was last used.
Interface ± The interface on which this ARP request was answered.
Flags ± Various flags associated with this entry. PERM = permanent, PUB = publish this entry (respond for other hosts), PROX = proxy ARP (card will proxy ARP for this IP address).
November 1997 |